27 Figures of Speech
Find 27 figures of speech in the illustration by Ella Baron below.

- A piece of cake
- An ace up one’s sleeve
- Big cheese
- Play one’s cards close to one’s chest
- Cats got your tongue
- Cherry on the cake
- Crow over
- Cut the chase
- Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
- Hit the nail on the head
- Have (one’s) plate full
- Heart on one’s sleeve
- Holding a cat by the tail
- In a nutshell
- Kick the bucket
- Make ends meet
- Picture is worth a thousand words
- Joker in the pack
- Put a bug in someone’s ear
- Put one’s best foot forward
- Red herring
- Silver spoon in your mouth
- Spill the beans
- Tie in knots
- The shoe is on the other foot
- Time flies
- You can’t make an omelette without breaking egg