Riddled and Dismembered

The following is a riddle. Do not solve the riddle. Instead, explain the title.

My top is tilted to the light,
A trumpet, almost, in its form.
You court a woman? There I am.
I please, palliate, perfume and mourn.
Your grief I lament. Slay me and
I will you last amen adorn.

The riddle is about a (dismembered) flower. Its different parts are hidden within the words of the riddle:

My top is tilted to the light, -> pistil
A trumpetalmost in its form. -> petal
You court a womanThere I am. -> anther
I pleasepalliate, perfume and mourn. -> sepal
Your grief I lament. Slay me and -> filament
I will your last amen adorn. -> stamen


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