Clean Death

A man was going to bleach his socks because they had gotten muddy the day before. As he was pouring the bleach into the washing machine, he spilled some on the floor. He got some cleaning fluid and mopped it up with a rag. Minutes later he was dead. What killed him?

When the ammonia (NH3), found in cleaning fluids, is mixed with bleach (a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl), a deadly gas (monochloramine, NH2Cl) is produced that can kill a person instantly. The resulting chemical reactions are the following:

  1. Bleach decomposes, forming hydrochloric acid and subsequently chlorine gas:
    NaOCl → NaOH + HOCl
    HOCl → HCl + O
    NaOCl + 2HClCl2 + NaCl + H2O
  2. The chlorine gas reacts with the sodium hypochlorite in the bleach, releasing chloramine as a vapor:
    2NH3 + Cl2 → 2NH2Cl

Bicycle Tracks

You are chasing a criminal riding a bicycle, and you find his tracks left in the dirt. By investigating the tracks, can you determine which direction the criminal has fled to: left or right?

The front wheels of the bicycle are traveling more distance and making sharper turns. Thus, the red tracks (as shown on the image below) correspond to the front wheel, and the green tracks correspond to the back wheel.

Then, since the back wheel is always pointing towards the front wheel, we conclude that the bicycle is moving towards the right.

Toasting Bread

Your toaster is broken, so you decide to toast your bread in a pan. The pan can hold three slices of bread at a time and takes 1 minute to toast one of their sides. How much time would it take you to toast four slices of bread on both sides using the pan?

It would take you 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Label the slices with A, B, C, D, their top sides A1, B1, C1, D1, and their bottom sides A2, B2, C2, D2.

  1. Toast A1, B1, C1 for 40 seconds.
  2. Toast A2, B2, D1 for 40 seconds.
  3. Toast A1, C2, D2 for 20 seconds.
  4. Toast A2, C2, D2 for 20 seconds.
  5. Toast B1, C1, D1 for 20 seconds.
  6. Toast B2, C2, D2 for 20 seconds.

Puzzle Tournament 4

Puzzle Prime’s fourth puzzle tournament was organized on February 26, 2022. Congrats to REDCROUTONS who solved all the puzzles (even found a small mistake in one of them)!


You have 60 minutes to solve 6 puzzles, each worth 1 point. Upload your solutions as a pdf, document, or image, using the form below. Good luck!

Time for work: 1 hour

Each problem is worth 1 point. Use the form at the bottom of the post to send your solutions.

1. The Grid

by Puzzle Prime

Figure out how the last portion (7×5 in yellow) of the grid should be colored in black and white.

2. Hexado

by Dr. DJ Upton

Place arrows along hexagon edges so that the number of arrows pointing to each hexagon equals the number of dots inside, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Arrows cannot be touching.
  2. Arrows cannot be placed on dashed edges.

3. Segments

by Puzzle Prime

Use at most 27 segments to create the largest number with distinct digits.

Notes: For example, the number 273914 would use 5+3+5+6+2+4=25 segments.

4. Constellations

by Raindrinker

Connect the stars with lines, so that the number inside each star corresponds to the number of lines connected to it, and the number outside each star corresponds to the total number of stars in its group.

Note: No line connecting two stars can pass through a third star.


5. Chess Connect

by Puzzle Prime

The starting and ending positions of 6 chess pieces are shown on the board. Find the trajectories of the pieces, if you know that they do not overlap and completely cover the board.

Notes: The pieces can not backtrack. Two trajectories can intersect diagonally but can not pass through the same square. Only the Knight has a discontinuous trajectory.


6. Broken Square

by Puzzle Prime

Use exactly 5 out of these 16 pieces to build a 7×7 grid, without overlapping.

Note: You can rotate the pieces, but you cannot mirror them.