Deadly Vodka

Two politicians go to a bar and order two glasses of vodka on the rocks. The first politician quickly empties his glass, then orders a second one, a third one… The second politician patiently drinks his own vodka, but about 20 minutes later, he drops down dead. The police discovered that the barman tried to assassinate both politicians, but how come the second one died and the first one lived?

The poison was in the ice cubes, so the second politician drank them when they melted in his drink.

Puddle of Water

A man is found in a room without any windows, with just one door which is locked from the inside. The man is hanging from a ceiling fan, dead, 4 feet above the floor. The room is completely empty, except for the man, the fan, and a puddle of water on the floor. How did the man die?

The man used a block of ice so that he could hang himself, and then the ice melted into the puddle of water.

Half Empty, Half Full

You have a glass with perfectly cylindrical shape which has some water in it. How can you figure out if the glass is exactly half full without using any measurement tools (like a ruler)?

Use the geometry of the cylinder. Start tilting the glass until the water surface gets either to the top or the bottom edge. If the glass is exactly half full, then the surface should touch both edges simultaneously.