Category: Casual Puzzles
A collection of Riddles, Mazes, Rebuses, and Hidden Objects, appropriate for younger children, carefully curated by Puzzle Prime.
Matthew Haussler is an American artist who has created artwork for productions on CBS, ESPN, and YouTube. He has published more than 10 books and in 2015 broke the record for the largest hand-drawn maze.
Throw It and Bring It Back
If you throw me from the window,
I will leave a grieving wife.
Bring me back but in the door,
And you’ll see someone giving life.
What am I?
The answer is THE LETTER N.
Never in a Thousand Years
What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years?
The answer is THE LETTER M.
When You Need Me
When you need me,
You throw me away.
But when you are done with me,
You bring me back.
What am I?
The answer is ANCHOR.
Riddle from Neverwhere
I turn my head, and you may go where you want.
I turn it again, and you’ll stay till you rot.
I have no face, but I live or die.
By my crooked teeth,
Who am I?
The answer is KEY.
Riddled and Dismembered
The following is a riddle. Do not solve the riddle. Instead, explain the title.
My top is tilted to the light,
A trumpet, almost, in its form.
You court a woman? There I am.
I please, palliate, perfume and mourn.
Your grief I lament. Slay me and
I will you last amen adorn.
The riddle is about a (dismembered) flower. Its different parts are hidden within the words of the riddle:
My top is tilted to the light, -> pistil
A trumpet, almost in its form. -> petal
You court a woman? There I am. -> anther
I please, palliate, perfume and mourn. -> sepal
Your grief I lament. Slay me and -> filament
I will your last amen adorn. -> stamen