String of Words

There is a common 9-letter word in the English language, such that if you keep removing its letters one by one, the resulting 8 words are still valid. What is this word?

Remark: The removed letters do not need to be from the beginning or the end of the word.


A woman was standing in her hotel room, when somebody knocked on the door. When she opened the door, there was a man who said that he has mistaken his door, apologized, and continued down the corridor. When the woman closed the door, she called security to warn them about the thief. Why did she think the man was planning to rob her?

Old Man’s Killer

An eighty-year-old person was living alone in his house. On a sunny Friday morning, while delivering some letters in the mailbox, the postman felt suspicious and decided to look through the window of the house. That’s when he saw the old man lying dead on the floor in a puddle of blood. When the police arrived, they found three bottles of milk, the Tuesday’s newspaper, and some gifts in front of the house. The lock of the door was broken, and they already suspected a person. Whom and why?

Knights and Coins

Bob and Jane are taking turns, placing knights and coins respectively on a chessboard. If Bob is allowed to place a knight only on an empty square which is not attacked by another knight, how many pieces at most can he place before running out of moves? Assume that Jane starts second and plays optimally, trying to prevent Bob from placing knights on the board.

Light Bulbs in the Attic

There are three light bulbs in your attic. All of them are turned off and their switches are installed downstairs. You can play with the switches as much as you want and after that, you can visit the attic above just once. How can you find out which switch to which bulb corresponds?