Two Lost Cards in a Deck

Below you can read the steps of a magic trick, as well as a video of its live performance. Your goal is to figure out how the trick is done, then perform it for your friends and challenge them to figure out the trick themselves.

  1. Take out from your pocket a deck of cards, which is visibly shuffled.
  2. Ask your first assistant to cut the deck, then take the top card from the bottom pile of cards and memorize it.
  3. Ask your second assistant to take the next card from the bottom pile and memorize it.
  4. Ask your first assistant to return his card back on the top of the bottom pile, then ask your second assistant to do the same.
  5. Place the two piles of cards on top of each other and cut the deck multiple times.
  6. Split the deck into two piles of cards, dealing consecutively one card on the left, then one card on the right, and so on, until you run out of cards.
  7. Take one of the two piles of cards, look at it, and guess correctly what cards were chosen by your assistants.

How does the magic trick work? Below you can see a live performance of the magic trick from Penn and Teller’s show Fool Us.

The secret of the trick is to memorize the group of cards which are located in even positions and the group of cards which are located in odd positions in the original deck. An easy way for doing this is to split the cards into two groups, such that the cards in the first group are only spades and diamonds, and the cards in the second group are only clubs and hearts.

When the two assistants pick their cards and then return them back into the deck, the order of the cards is reversed. When you split the original deck into two piles (even after cutting it several times), each of the piles will contain a card which should not be there. For example, the group of spades and diamonds will contain one clubs card, and the group of clubs and hearts will contain one diamonds card. These two cards are the ones which were picked by the assistants.


This puzzle/game is played with groups of people, in which at least one of the participants knows the meaning of “MLN”, and the others are trying to figure it out.

All players must sit in a circle, facing each other. Then the people, who do not know what “MLN” stands for, take turns to ask questions. Every question must start with “Is MLN…” and must have a “yes” or “no” answer. Then a player who knows the meaning of “MLN” answers the question and the game continues until everyone solves the puzzle.

To play this game with your friends, at least one of you must know about the solution, which is explained below. Just keep in mind that whoever reads it, will lose the enjoyment of figuring it out by himself.

The abbreviation “MLN” stands for “My Left Neighbor”. For example, if someone asks “Is MLN a boy?”, the answer will depend on the gender of the person on their left side. This makes the game both interesting and confusing.



Manifold is a brilliant puzzle invented by Jerome Morin-Drouin. Based on the origami principle, the goal of Manifold is to fold the printed paper several times, so that eventually you will end up with a 4 × 4 square which is white on one side and black on the other. The Manifolds here are provided by The Incredible Company and are part of their Manifold game which contains a total of 100 puzzles. Click the images, download them, print them, and solve the puzzles.


Manifold 2 on Amazon

One to Eight

Prepare a piece of paper with dimensions 2×4, then fold it four times to form 8 squares. Write on the squares in the top row the numbers 1, 8, 7, 4, and write on the squares in the bottom row the numbers 2, 3, 6, 5.

Now your task is to fold the piece of paper several times, so that the squares end up on top of each other, with the numbers appearing in ascending order top to bottom, and 1 face up.

Once you do this, try again with numbers 1, 8, 2, 7 on the top row, and 4, 5, 3, 6 on the bottom row.

Coming soon.

Tie a Knot

First, get a completely untangled rope. Now, your task is to grab its two ends, and without letting it go, tie this knot in the middle.

In order to do this, first cross your arms, and from this position, grab the two ends of the rope. Once you untangle your arms, the knot will appear on the rope.