Thoka’s Rebus 3

Can you figure out which phrase is depicted by this rebus?

The first image on the first row depicts a BALL. The second image depicts a BROOM which is removing the B, so you end up with BALL+ROOM=BALLROOM.

The first image on the second row depicts TOES, and the second image on the second row transforms the first letter T to a silent SH. Therefore, the final answer is BALLROOM SHOES.

Thoka’s Rebus 2

Can you figure out which word is depicted by this rebus?

The first image depicts a SEA. When you switch the third letter to C, you get SEC. The second image depicts RED. When you make the third letter a hard consonant, you get RET. The last two images depict a DIARY and DI (501 in Roman numerals). Therefore, you get: