If you want to split a cubic piece of butter into 27 smaller cubes, you can easily do it using just 6 slices (imagine the Rubik’s Cube). However, after every slice you make you can also rearrange the pieces – stack them in different ways on top of each other so that the number of cuts possibly gets reduced. What is the minimum number of slices you need in order to accomplish the task?
In order to separate the little cube in the center of the butter piece from the rest, you need 6 slices – that’s the number of sides it has. Therefore, you can’t accomplish the task with less than 6 cuts.
A mute person enters the pharmacy and decides to buy a toothbrush. He imitates the movements of brushing his teeth and thus successfully explains what he needs. After him a blind person enters the pharmacy, looking for toothpaste. What does he do?
He simply says “I need toothpaste”. He is blind, not mute.
Can you find your way through this mansion, by using the information from the security cameras? In order to escape, you must use the correct key and unlock the exit door.
After one king got his first newborn child, he was so happy that decided to reduce all prisoners’ sentences in his kingdom by half. How did he handle the prisoners who had lifetime sentences?
The king alternated keeping them 1 year in prison with 1 year out of it.
Suppose I show you two ancient coins. The first one is dated 51 B.C., the second one is marked George I. Which one is counterfeit?
Both of them. People who lived 51 years before Christ didn’t know about Jesus yet. When King George I was ruling, he was the first king with this name, and so he was just called George.
A man decides to climb a mountain. He starts at sunrise from the bottom of the mountain and arrives at the top at sunset. He sleeps there and on the next day he goes back the same way, descending at higher speed. Prove that there is some point of his path, on which the man will be at the same time on both days.
Imagine a second man who starts climbing from the bottom of the mountain on the second day and following the first hiker’s first day movements. At some point the first and the second hiker will meet each other, and this will be the point you are looking for.
A hundred prisoners are locked up in a prison. The warden devises the following game: he writes 100 different numbers on the foreheads of the prisoners. Then, each of the prisoners inspects the numbers on the foreheads of the others and decides to put either a black or a white hat on his head. Once the prisoners put their hats on, the warden arranges them in a line according to the numbers on their foreheads, starting with the lowest one and ascending to the highest one.
If the hats in the resulting line alternate their colors, then the prisoners will be set free. If not, the prisoners will be executed.
Can the prisoners devise a strategy that will guarantee their freedom?
Once the warden writes the numbers on the prisoners’ foreheads, they form a mental circle, arranging themselves alphabetically in it (or according to any other order they agree on). They include the warden in this mental circle and imagine he has infinity written on his forehead.
Then, each prisoner examines the sequence of 100 numbers written on the foreheads of the others, and computes the number of inversions, i.e. the pairs which are not in their natural order. The prisoners which count an even number of permutations put black hats on, and the prisoners that count an odd number of permutations put white hats on. The infinity symbol is treated as the largest number in the sequence.
For example, if a prisoner sees the sequence {2, -6, 15.5, ∞, -100, 10}, then he counts seven inversions, which are the pairs (2, -6), (2, -100), (-6, -100), (15.5, -100), (15.5, 10), (∞, -100), (∞, 10), and puts a white hat on.
Next, we prove that the devised strategy works. We consider two prisoners, P1 and P2, who are adjacent in the final line the warden forms. These two prisoners split the mental circle in two arcs: A and B.
The number of inversions P1 counts is:
I_1 = I(A)+I(B)+I(A,B)+I(A, P_1) + I(P_1, B),
where I(X) denotes the number of inversions in a sequence X, and I(X, Y) denotes the number of inversions in a pair of sequences (X, Y):
I(X) = \|x_i, x_j \in X : \quad i < j, \quad x_i > x_j\| \\
I(X, Y) = \|x \in X, y \in Y : \quad x > y\|
Similarly, the number of inversions P2 counts is:
I_2 = I(A) + I(B) + I(B, A) + I(B, P_2) + I(P_2, A)
We sum I_1 and I_2 to get:
I_1 + I_2 &= 2I(A) + 2I(B) + I(A, B) + I(B, A) \\
&+ I(A, P_1) + I(P_2, A) + I(P_1, B) + I(B, P_2) \\
&= 2(I(A) + I(B)) + \|A\|\|B\|+\|A\|+\|B\|
Since \|A\| + \|B\| = 99 is an odd number, we see that I_1+I_2 is also odd. Therefore, one among P1 and P2 would have counted an even number of inversions, and one would have counted an odd number of inversions. Thus, their hats have alternating colors.
What is the chance that the third business day of a month is Wednesday?
Assuming there is an equal chance that the given month begins with any of the seven days of the week, the answer is 3/7. That’s because Saturday and Sunday are non-working days, and therefore if the month starts with any of them, the third business day will still be Wednesday.
We note that 3/7 is actually an approximation of the actual answer, since the frequencies with which the days of the week appear as first in a given month, are close to but not equal to 1/7 each.
You are walking through the prairie when you find a madman wandering around talking to himself. The following is what you manage to hear of his speech:
“How? I – I’ll ask her. I owe her much, again. I’d a home on town, a tax as florid as out the coat, a virgin a year. Oh, yodel – aware you take all or I do. Never the road: I’ll land in the Anna-Marie land. Main can’s a sore gone; tennis is out t’car. Oh, line a canned turkey!”