The Lion and the Zebras

The lion plays a deadly game against a group of 100 zebras that takes place in the steppe (an infinite plane). The lion starts in the origin with coordinates (0,0), while the 100 zebras may arbitrarily pick their 100 starting positions. The lion and the group of zebras move alternately:

  • In a lion move, the lion moves from its current position to a position at most 100 meters away.
  • In a zebra move, one of the 100 zebras moves from its current position to a position at most 100 meters away.
  • The lion wins the game as soon as he manages to catch one of the zebras.

Will the lion always win the game after a finite number of moves? Or is there a strategy for the zebras that lets them survive forever?

The zebras can survive forever. They choose 100 parallel strips with width 300m each, then start on points on their mid-lines. If the lion lands on some zebra’s strip, the zebra simply jumps 100m away from the lion, along its mid-line.


Puzzling StackExchange

Square Cake

There is a square cake at a birthday party attended by a dozen people. How can the cake be cut into twelve pieces, so that every person gets the same amount of cake, and also the same amount of frosting?

Remark: The decoration of the cake is put aside, nobody eats it.

Divide the boundary of the cake into twelve equal parts, then simply make cuts passing through the separation points and the center. This way all tops and bottoms of the formed pieces will have equal areas, and also all their sides will have equal areas. Since all pieces have the same height, their volumes will be equal as well.


There are two cogwheels on a table. The bigger one has 10 teeth and is fixed to the table. The smaller one has 5 teeth and revolves around the bigger one. If the smaller cogwheel makes one full rotation around the bigger cogwheel, how many rotations will it make with respect to the table?

The answer is three rotations in total. Two because of the ratio 10:5, one more because of the movement of the smaller cogwheel.

Mystery Mate

White plays and mates Black in one move. However, there is a mystery in this position that has to be revealed first.

The mystery is that someone has just placed one extra black pawn on the board – there are 9 in total. Also, no matter which one is the added pawn, there always exists a mate in one move.

If the extra pawn was a7 – Qb6
If the extra pawn was b7 – Kc6
If the extra pawn was c4 – Qb4
If the extra pawn was d3 – Qe4
If the extra pawn was e3 – Bxf2
If the extra pawn was f7 – Ke6
If the extra pawn was g6 – Rg4
If the extra pawn was h3 – Rh4