Four Points in the Plane

Find all configurations of four points in the plane, such that the pairwise distances between the points take at most two different values.

All 6 configurations are shown below: a square, a rhombus with 60°-120°-60°-120°, an equilateral triangle with its center, an isosceles triangle with 75°-75°-30° and its center, a quadrilateral with 75°-150°-75°-150°, and a trapezoid with base angles of 72°.

Guess the Fruits

You are given 3 boxes – one labeled “Apples”, one labeled “Bananas”, and one labeled “Apples and Bananas”. You are told that the labels on the boxes have been completely mismatched, i.e. none of the three labels is put on its correct box. How can you open just one box and pick a random fruit from it, so that after seeing the fruit, you can guess correctly the contents of every box out of the three?

Open the box labeled “Apples and Bananas”. If you pick a banana from it, then the box labeled “Bananas” will contain apples, and therefore the box labeled “Apples” will contain apples and bananas. Similarly, if you pick an apple from it, then the box labeled “Apples” will contain bananas, and therefore the box labeled “Bananas” will contain apples and bananas”.

Thank You!

A cowboy walks into a bar and asks the barman for a glass of water. The barman pulls out a gun instead and points it at the man. The man genuinely says “Thank you” and walks out.

What happened?

The cowboy had hiccups and needed water. The barman shocked him with his gun instead and that cured the hiccups.

Twiddled Bolts

Two identical bolts are placed together so their grooves intermesh. If you move the bolts around each other as you would twiddle your thumbs, holding each bolt firmly by the head so it does not rotate and twiddling them in the direction shown below, will the heads:

(a) move inward
(b) move outward, or
(c) remain the same distance from each other?

One of the bolts will be screwing itself, and the other one will be unscrewing itself. This will happen at the same pace and the bolts will remain the same distance from each other. Thus the answer is (c).

The Missing Dollar

Three people check into a hotel room and each of them gets charged $10 – a total of $30. Later the clerk realizes that the bill is just $25, so he sends the bellboy to return $5 to the guests. On his way to the room, the bellboy decides to cheat and pockets $2 of the money, and gives the three men just one dollar each. Now the three men have spent $9 each, for a total of $27. Additionally, the bellboy took $2 for himself, which adds up to $27 + $2 = $29. Since the guests originally handed over $30, the question is what happened to the remaining $1?

The calculation is made the wrong way. The three men originally gave $30, but later $5 of them were sent back, which makes it $30 – 5 = $25 left at the clerk. Each of the men spent $9, so they gave $27 in total, $2 of which ended up in the bellboy’s pocket. $27 – $2 = $25, so no “missing dollar” here.

3 x $9 – $2 = $30 – $5.

11×11 Grid

All integer numbers between 1 and 121 are written in the cells of a square grid with size 11 by 11. Then the product of the numbers in every row and the product of the numbers in every column are calculated. Is it possible that the set of all 11 column products coincides with the set of all 11 row-products?

No, it is not possible. There are 13 prime number between 61 and 121. Since there are only 11 rows, two of them, X and Y, appear in the same row. Now that row is divisible by XY, but clearly, no column is divisible by that number.