Simple Sum

Which number must be written in the place of the dots?

Remark: The missing number does not necessarily have 3 digits.

If you turn the paper around, the text will read:

… = 19969 + 68199
99106 = 18108 + 80998

Therefore, the missing number is 88168, which after 180 degrees rotation becomes 89188.


Prisoners and Hats

100 prisoners are given the following challenge: They will be taken to a room and will be arranged in a column, such that each of them faces the backs of the prisoners in front. After that, black and red hats will be placed on their heads, and the prisoners will be asked one at a time what is the color of their hat, starting from the one at the back of the column. If a prisoner guesses his color correctly, he is spared; if not – he is executed. If every prisoner can see only the hats of the prisoners in front of him in the line, what strategy should they come up with, so that their losses are minimized?

There is a strategy which ensures that 99 prisoners are spared and there is 50% chance that one of them is executed. Clearly, one can not do better.

The strategy is as follows: The first prisoner (at the back of the line) counts the number of black hats worn by the prisoners in front. If the number is odd, he says “BLACK”. If the number is even, he says “RED”. Then, the second prisoner counts the black hats in front of him, figures out the color of his own hat, and answers the question.The third prisoner sees the number of black hats in front of him and uses this information, along with what the second prisoner’s hat is, to determine the color of his own hat. The prisoners continue in the same manner until all 99 prisoners in the front guess their hat colors correctly. The chance for survival of the first prisoner is 50%.



Manifold is a brilliant puzzle invented by Jerome Morin-Drouin. Based on the origami principle, the goal of Manifold is to fold the printed paper several times, so that eventually you will end up with a 4 × 4 square which is white on one side and black on the other. The Manifolds here are provided by The Incredible Company and are part of their Manifold game which contains a total of 100 puzzles. Click the images, download them, print them, and solve the puzzles.


Manifold 2 on Amazon

Puzzle Giveaway 2

Our second giveaway is over. Congratulations to the winner, M M Del Rosario, and to his nephew, who will have countless hours playing with all the wonderful toys we chose for him from!

For our July giveaway, we are partnering with our friends at, a great website for games, toys, and fun Halloween costumes. We have prepared for you a colorful picture with lots of hidden stars in it. Answer correctly what their number is and on the 15th of July, you could be the lucky winner who gets more than $100 worth of puzzles and games, including “Perplexus”, “Codenames”, “Manifold”, and many more! 


One to Eight

Prepare a piece of paper with dimensions 2×4, then fold it four times to form 8 squares. Write on the squares in the top row the numbers 1, 8, 7, 4, and write on the squares in the bottom row the numbers 2, 3, 6, 5.

Now your task is to fold the piece of paper several times, so that the squares end up on top of each other, with the numbers appearing in ascending order top to bottom, and 1 face up.

Once you do this, try again with numbers 1, 8, 2, 7 on the top row, and 4, 5, 3, 6 on the bottom row.

Coming soon.