You get shrunk 100 times (preserving your density), then thrown in a blender. You have 2 minutes until the blades of the blender start spinning. How are you going to escape?
If you get shrunk 100 times, but your density remains the same, your muscles will become so strong relative to your size, that you will be able to jump out of the blender. The reason is that your weight will decrease 1000000 times, but your muscle cross-section just 10000 times.
Get a stripe of paper, then cut two holes and two slits in it, as shown on the image below. Then try to attach two large cherries to paper, without tearing it apart.
Pull the handle in the paper through the holes, attach the cherries, then pull it back up.
Get 2 ropes and tie them up around the hands of 2 of your friends, as shown on the picture. Then, let your friends separate from each other, without untying the knots or cutting the ropes.
This puzzle/game is played with groups of people, in which some of the participants know the rules, and others are trying to figure them out.
All players must sit in a circle, facing each other. Then one person who is familiar with the rules starts by pointing at another and saying “cross-cross”, “cross-parallel”, “parallel-cross”, or “parallel-parallel”. After that, the person who got picked must choose another one and guess which one of the four expressions above he must say. If he gets it wrong, he gets corrected, and then the next person continues. The game ends when everyone finds out what the secret is.
To play this puzzle game with your friends, at least one of you must know the secret rules and solution, which are explained below. Just keep in mind that whoever learns the rules, will lose the enjoyment of figuring them out by himself.
When you point at somebody, you say “cross-cross”, if yours and the other person’s legs are crossed, “cross-parallel”, if yours are crossed and the other person’s are parallel, etc.
Examine the picture and determine whether the woman was killed or she committed a suicide.
This was a murder, which was supposed to look like a suicide. These are some of the reasons:
1. The dead person has not finished their cigarette yet, which is a normal thing to do when someone commits a suicide. 2. The person is left-handed, judging by the position of the pen and the lamp, but is holding the gun in their right hand. 3. It was supposed to look like the person was writing a death note before killing themselves, but it is night and the lamp is not plugged in.
Once there was a recluse who always stayed in his home. The only time anyone visited him was when his food and supplies were delivered, but nobody came inside. One winter night there was a big storm and the recluse had a nervous breakdown. He went to his room, turned off all the lights and got in his bed. The next morning he found out that he caused the deaths of several hundred people. How?
The recluse was living in a lighthouse. When he turned off the lights, he caused several ships to get wrecked in the cliffs and many people die.
Strata is a beautiful award-winning game with mesmerizing sound and unique puzzle concept. It contains hundreds of levels with common rules and final goal. Below I present you these rules and ask you to find a universal algorithm, which will allow you to solve easily every single level of the game.
The rules are simple – you begin with an nxn board, some squares of which are colored in arbitrary colors. Then you start placing stripes of whatever color you choose over entire rows and columns of the board. Your task is after placing all available 2n stripes, the color of every (colored) square to match the color of the stripe which has been placed second over it (on top).
Can you find a simple algorithm, which results in solving any level of the game, no matter the starting position? You can watch AppSpy’s video below for better understanding of the rules.
Imagine the reverse Strata puzzle – the color of every square must match the color of the first stripe which is placed upon it. Clearly, there must be a line in the grid such that all colored squares in it have the same color. Take all such lines in the grid and place on them stripes of appropriate colors. Then erase the colors from all squares covered by the stripes and repeat the procedure until you place all 2n stripes. It is easy to see that if the reverse Strata puzzle has a solution, then we will find it using this strategy. Finally, in order to solve the original Strata puzzle, just place the stripes in reverse order.