Cut the Pizza

Cut a circular pizza into 12 congruent slices, such that exactly half of them contain crust.

Remark: We say that a slice contains crust if it shares an arc with the boundary of the pizza (with non-zero measure).

First, cut the pizza into 6 congruent circular triangles, and then split each of them in half, as shown on the image below.

Saavedra Position

White to play. Is this game a win for White, Black, or a draw?

This game is a win for White.

1. c7 Rd6+
2. Kb5 Rd5+
3. Kb4 Rd4+
4. Kb3 Rd3+
5. Kc2! Rd4!
6. c8=R! Ra4
7. Kb3

Now Black will either lose the rook, or get mated in one. If White promoted a Queen instead of a Rook, then 6… Rc4+ would lead to 7. Qxc4, which is a stalemate.