Sissa and Chess
There are many opinions about from who, where and when chess was created. The most widespread opinion is that it was created by the Brahmin Sissa. When he presented it to the ruler of the region where he lived, he was so charmed that he said he would give him any reward he wanted… Sissa asked him for as much grain as would be needed to fill the 64 squares of the chessboard, if they placed one grain in the first square, two grains in the second, four in the third, etc., doubling the grains each time until they reached square 64. The ruler, who considered the quantity of grain insignificant, told him to ask for something more important. But when Sissa insisted, he asked the treasurer and storehouse manager to give him the amount of wheat he requested. But when the treasurer calculated the number, he told the king that even if the entire land were sown with wheat, it would not be enough to pay him, because the total wheat that would be needed amounted to the astronomical amount of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 grains!