Pronunciation Puzzles

The following 2 puzzles rely on misleading phrasing of the questions. Read them aloud to your friends and let them ponder upon them.

  1. What has 4 letters, sometimes 9, and never 5
  2. One night a king and a queen stayed in a hotel. On the next day, three people checked out. Who was the third person?
  3. There are 30 cows and 28 chickens. How many didn’t?
  4. Pronounce the following words: T-W-A, T-W-E, T-W-I, T-W-O
  5. As I was walking across the London Bridge, I met a man.
    He tipped his hat, and drew his cane.
    In this riddle, I said his name. What is it?

The first puzzle is not a question. It is a statement, saying that the word “what” has 4 letters, the word “sometimes” has 9 letters, and the word “never” has 5 letters. There is nothing to solve, so the puzzle is figuring that out!

The second puzzle reads as “One knight, a king, and a queen stayed in a hotel.” Thus, the third person was the knight.

The third puzzle reads as “There are 30 cows and 20 ate chickens. How many didn’t?” Thus, the answer is that 10 cows didn’t eat chickens.

The fourth question often confuses people and they pronounce TWO as [twou] instead of [tuː].

The fifth riddle actually says: “He tipped his hat, ‘Andrew Hiscane'”. Thus, the name of the man is Andrew Hiscane.

Rapunzel and the Prince

The evil witch has left Rapunzel and the prince in the center of a completely dark, large, square prison room. The room is guarded by four silent monsters in each of its corners.  Rapunzel and the prince need to reach the only escape door located in the center of one of the walls, without getting near the foul beasts. How can they do this, considering they can not see anything and do not know in which direction to go?

The prince must stay in the center of the room and hold Rapunzel’s hair, gradually releasing it. Then, Rapunzel must walk in circles around the prince, until she gets to the walls and finds the escape door.

The Frozen Lake

You wake up on a frozen lake in an isolated region, a hundred meters away from the shore. The surface of the lake is frictionless, and no grip of any kind can be attained over it. You find just your mobile phone in your pocket, but when you take it out to call for help, you realize there is no reception.

If there is no wind force to help you escape, what are you going to do to avoid freezing to death?

Throw your phone as hard as you can. Thanks to Newton’s third law of motion and the frictionless lake, you will start sliding away.