The Father

Warning: this puzzle involves mature themes that are inappropriate for younger audiences. If you are not an adult, please skip this puzzle.

Mary is 21 years older than her son. After 6 years, she will be 5 times older than him. Where is the father?

Let M be the age of the mother and S be the age of the son. We have M = S + 21 and M + 6 = 5(S + 6). We solve the system and get S= -3/4, i.e. minus 9 months. Therefore right now the son just got conceived and the father is with the mother.

Thoka’s Rebus 3

Can you figure out which phrase is depicted by this rebus?

The first image on the first row depicts a BALL. The second image depicts a BROOM which is removing the B, so you end up with BALL+ROOM=BALLROOM.

The first image on the second row depicts TOES, and the second image on the second row transforms the first letter T to a silent SH. Therefore, the final answer is BALLROOM SHOES.

Thoka’s Rebus 2

Can you figure out which word is depicted by this rebus?

The first image depicts a SEA. When you switch the third letter to C, you get SEC. The second image depicts RED. When you make the third letter a hard consonant, you get RET. The last two images depict a DIARY and DI (501 in Roman numerals). Therefore, you get:


Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo

The sentence below is grammatically correct. Can you explain it?

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

The sentence says that buffalo (animals) from Buffalo (city, US), which are buffaloed (intimidated) by Buffalo (city, US) buffalo (animals), themselves buffalo (intimidate) buffalo (animals) from Buffalo (city, US).

Petals Around the Rose

This is a puzzle that is best played with friends and real dice on a table. The rules require one of the players to throw 5 dice at once, and then answer correctly “how many petals there are around the rose”. The procedure gets repeated until everyone has discovered the secret rules of the puzzle or has given up.

How many throws do you need in order to figure out this classic puzzle?

There are 6 petals around the rose.

The roses are the middle dots on the dice, and the petals are the dots around them. Just count the number of all petals appearing on the five dice and you will get the answer. 1 -> 0, 2 -> 0, 3 -> 2, 4 -> 0, 5 - > 4, 6 -> 0.