Petals Around the Rose

This is a puzzle that is best played with friends and real dice on a table. The rules require one of the players to throw 5 dice at once, and then answer correctly “how many petals there are around the rose”. The procedure gets repeated until everyone has discovered the secret rules of the puzzle or has given up.

How many throws do you need in order to figure out this classic puzzle?

There are 6 petals around the rose.

The roses are the middle dots on the dice, and the petals are the dots around them. Just count the number of all petals appearing on the five dice and you will get the answer. 1 -> 0, 2 -> 0, 3 -> 2, 4 -> 0, 5 - > 4, 6 -> 0.

Fast and Furious

A bus driver was heading down a street in Colorado. He went right past a stop sign without stopping, turned left where there was a “no left turn” sign, and went the wrong way on a one-way street. Then he went on the left side of the road past a cop car. Yet, he didn’t break any traffic laws.

Why not?

The bus driver was not driving his bus, he was walking.

Moving to a New House

A man was moving to a new house. He rented a moving truck, put all his belongings in it, and drove to his new place. He entered the garage with the truck and took all his belongings out of the truck. When he tried to exit the garage with the truck, he couldn’t. Why?

The empty truck was just slightly taller than the garage door. When it was packed with items, the truck’s height got lower, so the man could enter the garage. Once the items were unpacked, the truck was once again taller than door, so it couldn’t get out.

Fascinating Dissection

First, print and cut the pieces below. Then, arrange them so that they form a triangle and then rearrange them so that they form a square.

The solution is shown below.

What is fascinating about these dissections is that one can transform into the other by keeping the pieces attached to each other in a chain and simply rotating them around the hinge points.

Under Water

The diving bell that Slylock Fox and Max Mouse are using has snapped its chain. A rescue team can reach Slylock and Max within 20 minutes, but there are only 15 minutes of air left. What will Slylock do?

He will use the lug wrench to remove the sunken car’s tires and release their air into the diving bell.

Handshakes at a Party

100 guests go to a party and some of them shake hands with each other. Show that there are two guests who handshake the same number of people.

Each of the people at the party has shaken hands between 0 and 99 times. However, if someone has shaken hands 0 times (with nobody), it is impossible that another one has shaken hands 99 times (with everybody). Therefore there are at most 98 different options for the number of handshakes at the party, and thus two of the guests have shaken hands the same number of times.