Chess Aggression
Starting from this position, can you make 39 consecutive checks – 20 from White and 19 from Black?
The sequence is as follows:
1. Nh2+ f1N+
2. Rxf1+ gxf1N+
3. Ngxf1+ Bg5+
4. Qxg5+ Bg2+
5. Nf3+ exf3+
6. Kd3+ Nc5+
7. Qxc5+ Re3+
8. Nxe3+ c1N+
9. Qxc1+ d1Q+
10. Qxd1+ e1N+
11. Qxe1+ Bf1+
12. Nxf1+ f2+
13. Ne3+ f1Q+
14. Qxf1+ Qxf1+
15. Nxf1+ Re3+
16. Nxe3+ b1Q+
17. Rxb1+ axb1Q+
18. Nc2+ Nf2+
19. Bxf2+
We do not know where this puzzle originated from. If you have any information, please let us know via email.