Surrounded by Rooks

White to play and mate Black in 20 moves.

The moves are as follows:

  1. Qb7+ Rc5c6
  2. Qa5+ Rc4c5
  3. Qb3+ Rd4c4
  4. Qd2+ Re4d4
  5. Qf3+ Re5e4
  6. Qg5+ e5
  7. Qf7+ Rd6e6
  8. Qd8+ Rc6d6
  9. Qb7+ Rc5c6
  10. Qa5+ Rc4c5
  11. Qb3+ Rd4c4
  12. Qd2+ Re4d4
  13. Qf3+ e4
  14. Qg5+ Re6e5
  15. Qf7+ Rd6e6
  16. Qd8+ Rc6d6
  17. Qb7+ Rc5c6
  18. Qa5+ Rc4c5
  19. Qb3+ Rd4c4
  20. Qd2x

We do not know where this puzzle originated from. If you have any information, please let us know via email.

Puzzle Newsletter (Post) (#10)
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