Get the Car
If you make a CORRECT statement, you will get either a lollipop or a chewing gum. If you make a FALSE statement, you will get either a chocolate or a car. What statement should you make in order to get the car?
You should say “I will receive a chocolate”. This statement cannot be correct, since if it was, you would get a lollipop or a chewing gum, not a chocolate. Therefore, you will get the car.
Raymond Merrill Smullyan (1919 – 2017) was an American mathematician, magician, concert pianist, logician, Taoist, and philosopher. Born in Far Rockaway, New York, his first career was stage magic. He earned a BSc from the University of Chicago in 1955 and his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1959. He is one of many logicians to have studied with Alonzo Church.