A Very Cool Number

Find a number containing every digit 0-9 exactly once, such that for every 1≤N≤10, the leftmost N digits comprise a number, divisible by N.

Let the number be ABCDEFGHIJ.

  • The digit J must be 0, so that the number is divisible by 10.
  • The digit E must be 5, so that the number comprised of the first 5 digits is divisible by 5.
  • The digits B, D, F, H, J must be even, and therefore the digits A, C, E, G, I must be odd.
  • The numbers CD and GH must be divisible by 4 and the number FGH must be divisible by 8. Since C and G are odd, D and H must be 2 and 6, or vice-versa.
  • Since ABC, ABCDEF, and ABCDEFGHI are all divisible by 3, we see that A+B+C, D+E+F, and G+H+I are divisible by 3 as well. Therefore, D+F+5 is divisible by 3 and since D and F are even, we have either D=2, H=6, F=8, B=4 or D=6, H=2, F=4, B=8.
    • D=2, H=6, F=8, B=4. Since FGH is divisible by 8 and G is odd, we have G=1 or G=9. Also, G+I+6 is divisible by 3 and since I is odd, we have G=1, I=3. The only possibilities for ABCDEFG are 7492581630 and 9472581630, but they are not divisible by 7.
    • D=6, H=2, F=4, B=8. Since FGH is divisible by 8 and G is odd, we have G=3 or G=7. Also, G+I+2 is divisible by 3 and since I is odd, we have G=3, I=1 or G=3, I=7 or G=7, I=3 or G=7, I=9. The only possibilities for ABCDEFG are 9876543, 7896543, 1896543, 9816543, 1896547, 9816547, 1836547, 3816547. Out of these, only 3816547 is divisible by 7.

We conclude that the only solution is 3816547290.

Puzzle Newsletter (Post) (#10)
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